Dr. Jyothi Devakumar, PhD

​Chief Science Officer and Partner, Longevity Tech Fund, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Dr. Jyothi Devakumar is a scientist, entrepreneur and a lifelong longevity enthusiast. She holds a PhD in biotechnology and her postdoctoral work was in in-vivo delivery systems. She has worked in various sectors of the industry including working as a part of a contract research organization liaising with several ivy league pharma companies in the drug discovery space, as scientific founder and CSO of two startups, and as a consultant in the regenerative medicine and longevity space. In the investing space, she has been a venture consultant, part of a mid-sized venture fund as the Principal Biologist and Partner. She is currently associated with the Longevity Tech Fund group of companies as the Chief Science officer and Partner. She has served on several scientific advisory boards and editorial boards, and she brings in scientific expertise, business strategy and management experience with a multicultural multi-country background.

Dr. Jyothy is Keynote of the Longevity Med Summit to be held in Lisbon and will present her talk about “Longevity Landscape through the clinical lens” on May 5, 2023.

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