Friday, May 5  | 10:00 – 10:20 am

Open and User Innovation in Health

by Helena Canhão, Director of the NOVA Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal

Friday, May 5  | 15:30 – 15:50 pm

How is Healthcare embedding "New" Technologies? How is functional medicine changing the future of mankind?

by Sofia Couto da Rocha, MD, Smart Aging, Chief Transformation Officer & Head of the virtual client, Lusíadas Saúde, Lisboa, Portugal

How is healthcare embedding “new” technologies? How is functional medicine changing the future of mankind? The future is full of new ways of reaching care, namely boosting precision and personalized medicine for real. There is a lot of knowledge that is spread, clinical health is no longer closed to clinicians, medical devices or other “medical things”. Being healthy turned to be a trend, tackled by almost all large technological players. So, how to follow? How to be a patient? how to be a clinician in this world? lets talk about it.