Leveraging your self-healing abilities to promote healthy longevity through fasting

Leonard Wilhelmi

Managing Director at Buchinger Wilhelmi on Lake Constance, Clinic for non-pharmacological health interventions centred around fasting, nutrition and longevity.

Leonard Wilhelmi, the younger of Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo and Raimund Wilhelmi’s two sons, was born in Scherzingen in the Swiss canton of Thurgau in 1987. After graduating from boarding school at Schule Schloss Salem, he completed his master’s degree in International Business Management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in 2015 after a semester abroad at the University of Southern California in San Diego.
At the University of St. Gallen, Leonard Wilhelmi was founding president of the Family Business Club, which aims to promote an exchange between students of the University of St. Gallen and family businesses. In 2013, he and a fellow student won the “Social Enterprise”-award from “Startfeld”, an innovation network, for their start-up Gartengold. Gartengold works with disadvantaged people and people with disabilities to produce apple juice from unmanaged trees in Eastern Switzerland, and is still going strong today.
After various internships, including at an international management consultancy, he started working at a listed telecommunications company in 2015.
In 2017, Leonard Wilhelmi joined his parent’s company in the management of the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic on Lake Constance. On 1 March 2019, Leonard Wilhelmi took over from his father as Managing Director of Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic on Lake Constance. The famous fasting clinic on Lake Constance has now passed into the hands of the fourth generation of the family.

Leveraging your self-healing abilities to promote healthy longevity through fasting

Fasting is emerging as the most powerful therapeutic strategy for healthy longevity. The Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinics are a unique group of clinics offering a medically supervised long-term fasting program based on more than 100 years of clinical experience, currently treating a total of about 7000 patients every year. Their research department published the largest studies documenting the safety and efficacy of long-term fasting. This talk will shed light on the potential of long-term fasting to leverage the self-healing abilities of our body to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.