Pillars of Resilience for Busy Women

Monica Lascar

Sexual Health Consultant and Menopause, UK

In addition to her standard medical and academic training (including a lab-based MD at University of London in Immunology), she is passionate about lifestyle changes and the latest innovations in hormone therapies and nutritional supplements that can bring a holistic approach to health. Dr. Monica Lascar has completed the training modules of the Institute of Functional Medicine in USA (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice IFM USA, Advanced Energy Module, Bio-transformation and elimination training IFM USA). She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians UK and a Menopause specialist with accredited Menopause Certification (Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health UK).

Pillars of Resilience for Busy Women

I would like to acknowledge how much we women have achieved in the last few years, juggling childcare and effortlessly moving from boardrooms to the trading floor, to running homes, we so wanted to have it all! And sometimes I wonder how much we ended up actually doing it all and what impact this had on our biology and overall health. I would like to discuss:6 Pillar 1- sex hormones- patterns of hormone fluctuations after the age of 40- peri/ menopause (Whilst men’s main hormone testosterone tapers down smoothly and gently over time, women’s estrogen declines hundred-fold in the space of 2-5 years to then become almost undetectable on the standard blood test at menopause); The role of estrogen but also progesterone, testosterone and DHEA; hormone therapies- body and bio-identical hormone strategies -Pillar 2-the stress axis- hypotalamus-pituitary adrenal axis and cortisol patterns- where one is in their 'individual stress journey' and what tests can be used to tell the patient's story -Pillar 3- Nutrition- 'food as medicine' -Pillar 4- the emerging use of genetic testing to further insights into personalised approaches to supplementation- DNA resilience testing.