Paulo J. Oliveira, PhD

Group Leader and Vice-President, CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Paulo J. Oliveira is currently Principal Investigator with “Agregação” (Habilitation) at the CNC – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is the current leader of the “Mitochondria, Metabolism and Disease” group and of the MitoXT: Mitochondrial Toxicology and Experimental Therapeutics laboratory. Paulo has over 280 peer-reviewed publications and his research is supported by competitive national and international funding agencies, including the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, the European Commission, and private foundations. Paulo is also co-founder of the start-up MitoTAG and is co-inventor in three patents. Since 2020, Paulo is Vice-President of the CNC – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine at the same University. Paulo Oliveira is the past-President of the European Society for Clinical Investigation.

At the Longevity Med Summit 2023 Paulo Oliveira will perform a lecture: The Aging Yellow Brick Road: Role of In Utero Mitochondrial Programming”.

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